ADAPT // AFSCME Locals 2858, 2806, 3506  //  IMPRUVE

Retirees Chapter 161 // Northside Action for Justice (NA4J)

 Progress Center for Independent Living

Southside Together Organizing for Power (STOP)

Alliance members set priority campaigns each year. 

  See links below to get involved.

Disability Justice

Dignity for people in Nursing Homes

Take Action Here.

Long Term Congregate Care institutions (LTC, nursing homes et al.) are mostly

for-profit businesses whose owners maximize (Medicaid-funded) profit by mistreating

residents and exploiting workers. 

Residents and staff in congregate institutions faced bad conditions, poor infection control, and retaliation against whistle-blowers long before the pandemic.  Retaliation for speaking up and organizing, by bosses and facility managers, has long been both illegal and widespread. 

                                                        Hear testimony from former facility residents.

HB3716 (summary here) has broad support from disability, community, labor, and senior groups.


Food & Medicine -- Stop Cuts!

Between ending the COVID 'Public Health Emergency' (PHE) and adding new barriers ('work requirements' do NOT increase employment; they reduce benefits)  millions of eligible persons are losing, or at risk of losing food and medical help.

Send your message to Congress

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Restore Chicago City Colleges

CCC students and teachers are working to

* restore classroom hours, and expand access

* bring greater democracy and accountability - see here

* improve community college over all


Affordable, Accessible Housing for All

Stop gentrifying luxury development by Lincoln Properties at Uptown's Weiss Hospital site.  

To get involved:


Fully Fund Public healthcare, education,

welfare, with Progressive revenue:

*  Restore public mental health clinics, and expand the civilian 'treatment not trauma' program

*  Restore Community Human Services (DHS/DRS) office closed by Rauner